Kadam Badhate Chalo (KBC)

Kadam Badhate Chalo is a youth-led programme to end violence against women. It develops and supports youth leadership among both boys and girls, providing them with tools of change which they can use to meet collective goals.

In the process, these youth become agents of change. It emphasises partnerships — between young boys and girls in communities, universities, schools, colleges — to learn to come together and take action.

Working together to influence families, local communities, educational institutions, government, the judiciary, police, public transport systems, commercial establishments and public policy, these youth take collective steps to end violence against women.


Key Features

  • Young girls and boys are change agents: Youth play the most important role in undertaking the programme. Youth may be from high schools, colleges, universities, and from the community.
  • Addresses attitudinal change and personal responsibility in both boys and girls, with a specific focus on men and boys: The programme heightens awareness and sensitivity on gender issues with a view to persuading every individual - boy or girl, man or woman - to take personal responsibility for actions and speaking out against gender discrimination and violence against women.
  • Promotes participation and partnership: The process emphasises equal participation of and partnership among boys and girls.
  • Peer learning is key to learning behaviour change: The activities of the programme encourage young people to share information and learn from each other.
  • Pushes for involvement of panchayats, municipalities and elected representatives: Support from local government officials facilitates citizen participation in the programme.
  • Encourages accountability: Demands both individual and institutional accountability to ensure sustained success of the programme.

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