PRIA International Academy
PRIA International Academy (PIA), established in 2005, which was the dream project of Late Dr. Martha Farrell.
She founded and developed the PRIA International Academy of Lifelong Learning (predecessor of PIA) to provide Open and Distance Learning to a global community of students on development issues. Since then PIA has been carrying on trailblazing efforts in translating the path breaking Participatory research by PRIA to conduct educational programs for community development.
Course Goals
All the courses are designed to address one or even more UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), envisioning the need of the hour to make CBPR as a tool to achieve the SDGs towards a sustainably developing society. Unique courses developed by the practitioners at PRIA, enables participants not only to develop new skills in developing and implementing participatory research projects but also to utilize the hands on experience gained on field to bring about a change.
PIA courses are user-friendly, based on experiential learning and are necessary for anyone engaging with communities at grassroots level. It is a go-to resource for college or post - graduate students, practitioners and academicians engaging with communities for social change.