WPEL Module-2

Module 2: "Creating an enabling environment for women’s political leadership"

Building upon the previous module, Module 2 examines in further detail the issue of women’s political empowerment and leadership. It is clear that there is potential for the ideas and practices of governance to catalyse real change in terms of gender equality. However, this potential remains largely untapped. This module examines different strategies which can be employed to increase women’s access to positions of authority. These strategies cannot succeed unless women possess the necessary pre-requisite skills to interact effectively in a group. The Module examines the dynamics involved in group processes, and key skills needed to effectively interact within them. 

Upon completion of Module 2, you will be able to:

  • Understand strategies to create enabling environments for women to participate in political processes
  • Understand complex dynamics involved in group processes and how to strengthen them
Last modified: Thursday, 2 April 2015, 3:23 PM