ICT Tools for Enhancing Social Accountability (Module 3)

ICT Tools for Enhancing Social Accountability


This module aims to introduce some ICT tools and processes that may contribute to enhancing transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in your country or city. Furthermore, this module aims to demonstrate the ways in which such ICT tools and processes may be used in order to improve implementation of social accountability approaches, such as in utilization of access to information, performance monitoring, and grievance redress mechanisms.

This module is comprised of seven main topics. First, this module will provide an introductory segment on the available ICT tools, processes and mechanisms, and later this module will focus on the application of ICT tools introduced in the previous segment.

This module is composed of 7 main topics:

  1. Scraping
  2. Data visualization
  3. Crowdsourcing
  4. Social media
  5. Mobile technology
  6. New partnerships around ICT
  7. Examples of ICTs for social accountability in practice

Learning objectives By the end of this module you will:

Identify which ICT tools may be effective in implementation of transparency and accountability activities such as access to information, monitoring, and grievance redress mechanisms
Learn about implementation of ICT tools for social accountability through case studies and good practices examples
Learn what can be the next step in order for you to use such ICT tools in project implementation
Know about case studies and good practices on the application of ICT tools to improve performance monitoring and citizen feedback mechanisms, from around the world
Last modified: Wednesday, 28 January 2015, 2:08 PM