Picture of Purvi Dass
Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Purvi Dass - Sunday, 28 September 2014, 11:06 AM

Dear friends,  

Hope by now you have shared good, bad ugly all stories/incidences/professional and tourist related experiences to your near dear one. The body ache because of following a hectic schedule has also reduced.

Now, continuing our journey of collective learning in PR, let us all come back to unit 5. We know  that community is the centre of PR.  The use of participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and the utilisation of research is based on the idea of  “understanding the problem and its solutions through the eye of the community”.  Communication is the key methodological concern in participatory research. Through dialogue, people come together and participate in all crucial aspects of investigation, educational and collective action. It is through talking to one another and doing things together that people get connected, and this connectedness leads to shared meaning. The creative combinations of written, oral and visual communication add new dimensions to the understanding, analysing and solution of the problem. However, the use of participatory methods also entails challenges since it may give rise to a lot of emotions and expectations amongst the community, but it may be essential in some situations to bring about the critical processes of thinking and reflection or to discuss sensitive topics or bring about group solidarity and ownership, all of which is essential for the larger transformational changes that PR aims to do.

Surely, you must have also used/ or are using some of the participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and the utilisation of research in your engagement with the community. Please do share the approaches you used.

What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

Reflect and share.

This forum will be closed for discussion on October 12,2014

All the best,


Picture of Nazmul Alam
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Nazmul Alam - Sunday, 5 October 2014, 3:27 PM

What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

- people are the subjects of research as a result dichotomy between subject and object is removed

- people themselves collect the data, and then process and analyse the information using methods easily understood by them

- the knowledge generated is used to promote actions for change or to improve existing local actions

- the knowledge belongs to the people and they are the primary beneficiaries of the knowledge creation

- research and action are inseparable

– they represent a unity - research is a praxis rhythm of action-reflection where knowledge creation supports action

- there is an built-in mechanism to ensure authenticity and genuineness of the information that is generated because people themselves use the information for life improvement

Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

• Participatory research recognizes and values people as social beings, within political, economic, and social contexts and tries to provide empowerment. As PR is considered democratic, thus it enables participation of all people acknowledging equity of people’s worth; provides opportunity to enable expression of people’s potential.

• Through PR, it is possible to create awareness at mass level and thus taking initiatives for own resource mobilization and self development

• As facilitators ensure collaborative partnership, it creates more ownership within the community

• It promotes a co-learning and empowering process that attends to social inequalities.

To have a total and comprehensive understanding of the situation Participatory Research holds very much importance in the knowledge management. The process and knowledge generation from this process ensures the authentic, reliable data are being generated by the people who are the direct benefactors of the knowledge. Local indigenous knowledge usually exist in a non systematic manner, when the proper utilization of PR is done, this knowledge shapes up in a more systematic manner, supplementing modern knowledge/information that are developed by “others”.

For me, the PR is critical (as well as important) for any community based analysis, as it holds the key for bringing in expertise from many dimension, as a result knowledge is being triangulated with many sources. Also, if properly facilitated this approach will ensure more information that can or have the idea of solving a certain problem.

Picture of Rahul Kanti Barua
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Rahul Kanti Barua - Monday, 13 October 2014, 9:04 AM

Tuhin bhai,

It will be easy for me if you make some example in your work, other wise the answer is like in general.




Picture of Md. Nazmul Haque Sardar
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Md. Nazmul Haque Sardar - Thursday, 9 October 2014, 11:24 AM

What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

During using participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and the utilization of research, I found the following characteristics:

  • These were democratic, thus enabling the participation of all people;
  • These were equitable, as it acknowledges equity of people’s worth;
  • Liberating, in that it provides freedom from oppressive, debilitating conditions;
  • Life-enhancing, which enables the expression of people’s full human potential
  • Improving social practice through change;
  • Congruence on authentic participation;
  • Collaboration;
  • Establishing self-critical communities;
  • Involving people in theorizing about their practices.
  • These require that people put the practices, ideas, and assumptions about institutions to the test, involves record-keeping, requires participants to objectify their own experiences, involves making critical analysis, and is a political process.

 Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

It is understood that when people themselves engage in the reflective processes and engage in knowledge generation, they are able to analyze their situations; disseminate the findings useful to the community in numerous ways and take action accordingly

The first component acknowledged that the problem originates in the community itself and is defined, analyzed, and solved by the community. Secondly, the ultimate goal is the radical transformation of social reality and improvement in the lives of the individuals involved; thus, community members are the primary beneficiaries of the research. Thirdly, it involves the full and active participation of the community at all levels of the entire research process. The fourth component encompasses a range of powerless groups of individuals: the exploited, the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. The fifth component is the ability to create a greater awareness in individuals’ own resources that can mobilize them for self-reliant development. It is more than a scientific method, in that community participation in the research process facilitates a more accurate and authentic analysis of social reality. Lastly, it allows the researcher to be a committed participant, facilitator, and learner in the research process, which fosters militancy, rather than detachment.

Picture of Purvi Dass
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Purvi Dass - Friday, 10 October 2014, 5:31 PM

Thanks a lot-  Tuhin and Nazmul, Looking forward to other's response too! All the best,


Picture of Khaleda Akhter
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Khaleda Akhter - Sunday, 12 October 2014, 12:40 PM

What were/ are the major characteristics of that approaches?

The major characteristics of that approaches are given below:

  • It’s ensure the participation of ordinary people for investigating their problems with the assumption that ordinary people already possess knowledge.
  • It is an educative experience for the community people who engaged in it. They become more knowledgeable about methods of knowing and analysis; they become critically aware of their situation and possible ways to change that situation.
  • Participation is the active involvement of concerned persons in various stages of the learning process, viz. definition of the problems, the learning needs and goals, collecting and analyzing the problems or designing the programmes, and using the analysis to enhance one’s position and knowledge.
  • Learners have a greater degree of control, and responsibility, vis-à-vis research activities. They gain control over critical resources such as external expertise, know-how, capital and technology. The end-result of having knowledge about the existing oppressive reality and control over the process of knowledge generation is empowering. When people participate in determining their own future, they are empowered.
  • It is always ‘collective’ in nature; the process requires groups of people to engage together. The most important step in this context is collective analysis of a given situation.
  • It is a process of knowing and acting. People engaged in it do two things simultaneously. They enhance their understanding and knowledge of a particular situation and take action to change it to their benefit.
  • The process of collective finding and decision-making enables people to accept change more willingly.
  • It has promoted the use of mobilization and community organization strategies, particularly amongst oppressed sections of society.
  • It excludes techniques that require a separation of researcher and researched, such as when experimental "subjects" are kept ignorant of the purpose of the study. Methods that are beyond the technical and material resources of the people involved in the research are also excluded.
  • Outsiders as Facilitators, be they activists, educators, facilitators, community animators, or researchers, may initially identify the problem. Their role is to initiate a participatory process and take steps to ensure that the control local people and groups have over that process steadily increases.


Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

Participatory research starts with the assumption that ordinary people already possess knowledge. They know their social realities well and can articulate this knowledge. Some elements of this knowledge may be distorted, and some may be the result of critical analyses. It is this existing knowledge which is used daily by the people in their on-going struggle for survival. Participatory research values diverse experiences of people from their own perspective and thereby challenges the taken-for-granted assumptions and stereotypes. Through recognising and valuing peoples’ popular knowledge, PR contributes to the process of their empowerment.

Mobilizing community people, to identify, acknowledge and discuss local problem is a prerequisite for community based work, and awareness-raising is one of the primary responsibilities of any community-based group.


Participatory Approach (PA) is recognized as a critical strategy to work in community to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research. From the beginning of this process, community people are invited to share decision-making authority with all other members involved.

As we know that PA is based on principles that include:

  • Recognizing the community as a unit of identity
  • Building on collective strengths and shared resources
  • Facilitating partnership and capacity building throughout the process
  • Disseminating pertinent information, data and other findings to all participants
  • Involving a long-term process and commitment
  • Seeking balance between research and action

It is important to engage the most trusted people of the community, “gatekeepers,” right from the beginning of the wok to ensure the promotion of an intervention. By empowering community people through PA, the entire community can help steer the work towards goal achievement.

Taniya Laizu Sumy, Manager- Curriculum and Material Development, SHIKHON Program, Save the Children
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Taniya Laizu Sumy - Sunday, 12 October 2014, 11:08 AM

What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

It is already evident that community is the heart of Participatory Research. In simplest PR enlists those who are most affected by a community issue – typically in collaboration or partnership with others who have research skills – to conduct research on and analyze that issue, with the goal of devising strategies to resolve it. In other words, community-based Participatory Research adds to or replaces academic and other professional research with research done by community members, so that research results both come from and go directly back to the people who need them most and can make the best use of them. To know the PR well it is very necessary to know about the methods of PR well. Each and every method is not feasible for all contexts. Some times interview may be realistic whether puppet show is not. Again theater could be viable but FGD (Focus Group Discussion) might not. But whatever the methods are applied in PR participation of different stakeholders and beneficiaries as well as community is mandatory for effective process facilitation and successful product reaching. In order to conduct PR as an approach we need to focus on the characteristics of the process. The major characteristics of the approach are as follows:

  • PR recognizes community as an identity. It works explicitly with communities, which may be defined by a geographic area, or defined as a community of identity that is geographically dispersed but members hold a sense of common identity and shared fate.
  • Builds on strengths and resources within the community. This research should explicitly identify, support and reinforce social structures, processes, and knowledge already existing in the community that help them work together to improve their lives.
  • PR obeys the flexibility based on the context. There is nothing hard and fast rule to do based on any theories. Considering the circumstances the contents and methods should be changed.
  • Facilitates collaborative partnerships in all phases of the research. This research should involve community members in every phase they want to participate in, including but not limited to: problem definition, data collection, interpretation of results, and application of the results to address community concerns. This may involve applying skills from outside the community, but should focus on issues identified by the community and create situations in which all parties can truly influence the entire research process.
  • In the research process all types of parity and inclusion considering gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, vulnerability and social, cultural and economic should be well thought-out.  
  • Integrates knowledge and action for mutual benefit of all partners. Though the research project itself might not include a direct action component, all parties must have a commitment to applying the research results to a social change effort intended to benefit all partners.
  • Promotes a co-learning and empowering process that attends to social inequalities. Emphasizing knowledge of community members and sharing information, resources and decision- making power should be in mind.
  • Building common understanding is critical. Rapport building among all stakes, beneficiaries and researchers is crucial. Without proper interaction, communication and emersion PR might not be conducted.
  • Involves a cyclical and iterative process. This research should involve trust-building, partnership development and maintenance in all phases of the research.
  • Disseminates findings and knowledge gained to all partners. This research should disseminate information gained in a respectful and understandable language that acknowledges all participants contributions and ownership of the knowledge production.



Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

It is very important to analyze, disseminate and utilize research findings properly. Only by appropriate analysis and dissemination findings can be utilized for an action. By applying participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization context based action could be done for problem solving. In PR, analysis is as much a collective and participatory process, as the determination of purpose and the collection of information. Because of the nature of qualitative data, all stakeholders including data collectors and facilitators, whether they are project staff, implementing partner staff or primary stakeholders, participate in sessions to analyze the data. Open-ended discussions help to explain the data. The collective analysis is disseminated to all those from whom the information was gathered. The process adds ownership to findings and commitment to actions (Estrella and Gaventa, 1998). It is very necessary to find what differences PR is making. It can be analyzed to see how the results compare to the changes that were expected as identified by the success indicators. To answer the questions “what”, “why”, “so what”, “now what” and “then what” people who have been involved in the project should be involved in the interpretation of the findings. This helps to avoid biases that result from one person’s interpretation of information.

In PR knowledge should be disseminated among all participants for common understanding within all. For self-reflection and critical analysis interactive knowledge creation is very important. Each and every one need to be under a problem-solving banyan tree. The participants should know how to climb the tree to take the solution fruit. Moreover they need to have a ladder to climb and take the fruit. In collective endeavor it is possible. And for this process first of all, done research findings dissemination is necessary. It is also helpful to think about dissemination in three broadly different ways, viz., dissemination for awareness, for understanding, and for action. The three goals, Awareness, Understanding, and Action, are not mutually exclusive; one or all of the goals mentioned above may be relevant to each potential audience. For example, an audience who can affect mainstreaming decisions will need to be exposed to findings for the purpose of awareness, understanding and some form of action. Another example might be the need to share with programme staff for understanding and for the purpose of action.

It is already known that a solution on any problem can be more utilized by the problem owner. Knowledge generation, knowledge analysis and dissemination and above all utilization of knowledge is empowering. As people engage in the process of knowing and analysis, they become critically aware of their situation. And if they are aware of the situation they will definitely be able to change it as well.

Considering the strengths of participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization in research work it is very essential to let it in process. As a community led researcher I would like to reduce biasness so that stakeholders and beneficiaries can clearly point out any issue. For this I will crosscheck all with community’s participation. It is very necessary to me to get a clear picture of the situation and research findings. So, participation of community is mandatory who involved in the process from the beginning to identify problem, resources, gaps and find solutions. Above all to strengthen the ownership of conclusions joint endeavor can earn the optimum outcome. So I will definitely apply participatory approaches to get an effective result in my work in community.    

Picture of Mirza Moinul Islam
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Mirza Moinul Islam - Sunday, 12 October 2014, 4:48 PM

What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

Major characteristics of the PR approach were/are as follows:

-          Active involvement of the community in the various stages of learning process; definition of the problems, learning needs & goals, collecting & analyzing the problems, designing the programs, using the analyzes of the community knowledge.

-          Communities have a greater degree of the control and responsibilities of the research activities.

-          Collective in nature: the process requires group of people to engage together.

-          Community engages in the PR to do two things simultaneously: Enhance of their understanding and knowledge of the particular situation and taken action to change it to their benefit.

-          While PR instrumental in bringing about change at in individual level, also emphasis the importance of collectives of individual in understanding and transforming social reality.

-          Stresses interpersonal communication among different stakeholders. The experimental ways of communicating knowledge, information and element of data are used and accepted.

-          In PR mobilization is coming together of the people around the specific issue to think, plan and act upon it.

-          Involvement of the community living the reality of that problem, even if it begins with an external push is a necessary element of PR.

-          Dynamic process of “engagement education, communication, action and reflection”

In PR, the researcher adopts the position of a change agent rather than apposition of dominance. It enables workers to participate actively in the creation of new knowledge which has implications of concrete action to improve their lives.

Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

Participatory research (PR) approaches engage in the reflective processes and engage in the knowledge generation, they are able to analysis the situation and take action accordingly. It is a set of logical procedures used to investigate, describe and analysis the current social reality. In participatory approaches analysis, dissemination and utilization of research is an important of context based action could be done for problem solving.

PR based on the basic philosophy of empowering the ‘have- nots’ through their involvement in both valuing their existing knowledge and production and using their knowledge. In PR method of analyzing the information by relating it back to concrete situation in order to establish explanation and lessons for decision, new authentic knowledge emerges. Analysis is as much collective and participatory process, as the determination of the purpose and the collection of information. The final analysis looks at the information that has been gathered through several different lenses.

Dissemination of knowledge is helpful in the participatory research to think about awareness, understanding and for action .Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audience so that it may be used to lead change. The major goal is to share the knowledge that the researcher has generated with others. The three goals, awareness, Understanding, and Action, are not mutually exclusive; one or all of the goals mentioned above may be relevant to each potential audience. Different goals can be reflected in the different stakeholders for dissemination in the participatory research, which may turn influence the dissemination method chosen for that goal and audience.

Participatory research recognizes popular knowledge; and facilitates people control over the processes of inquiry, education and action. The knowledge and skills necessary for people’s collective action is created by participation and control of the community. Control over the process of knowledge generation, analysis and dissemination of knowledge is empowering.  As people engage in the process of knowing and analysis, they become critically aware of their situation. The sharing of experimental knowledge and information with diverse stakeholders leads to an understanding of possible ways of changing the oppressive situation and enables collective action towards transformation.

Participatory research utilizes the tacit knowledge and experience of community and leadership in the process, requires group level commitment as well as researcher commitment for the term of the team addresses and solves a relevant problem. In participative research, the long-term skills of the participants to “solve their own problems and keep solving them” (Elden, 1981, 259) is an outcome that extends beyond the research project itself. Research is participatory when those directly affected by it influence each of these four [problem definition, methods choice, data analysis & use of findings] decisions and help carry them out.

SSM Hejbullah
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Sheikh Sultan Muhammad Hejbullah - Sunday, 12 October 2014, 5:08 PM

Q.-1: What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

In the participatory research approach, people are active participants in knowledge generation and the use of that knowledge. The major characteristics of the participatory research approach are-

  • Conscientization: People are active agents in the research process. People, if involved in an analysis of their realities; develop the understanding and the capacity to act to improve that reality.
  • Useful knowledge: PR is concerned with useful knowledge i.e. knowledge, which enables people to solve their problems and improve their lives.
  • Control and empowerment: Knowledge about the existing oppressive reality and control over the process of knowledge generation and the end-result is empowering. When people participate in determining their own future, they become empowered.
  • Outsiders as facilitators: Outsiders often-initiate PR interventions. Usually, interveners adopt the position of facilitators, catalysts or change agents rather than positions of dominance. Their role is to initiate a participatory process and take steps to ensure that the control local people and groups have over that process steadily increases.
  • Action-orientation: Focus is on people acting to solve practical problems. These actions then lead to the generation of practical knowledge.
  • A vehicle for change: PR is instrumental in bringing about change at an individual level and it also emphasizes the importance of collectives of individuals in understanding and transforming social reality. The process of collective discovery and decision making enables individuals to accept change more readily. PR has promoted the use of mobilization and community organization strategies, particularly amongst oppressed sections of society.
  • Collaborative Methodology PR draws upon all available social science research methods. It is premised on the principle that the people with a problem carry out the investigation themselves, it excludes techniques that require a separation of researcher and researched, such as when experimental "subjects" are kept ignorant of the purpose of the study.
  • Mobilization and Organization: Mobilization is the coming together of people around a specific issue to think, plan and act upon it. People start with problems of immediate concern. With increasing conscientisation and experience of participation in planning action, they diversify their actions to include larger issues.


Q.-2: Why are the participatory approaches to analyze, disseminate and utilize to research so critical to your work in community?

When people themselves engage in the reflective processes and engage in knowledge generation, they become able to analyze their situations; disseminate the findings useful to the community in myriad ways and take action accordingly. The approach in analysis, dissemination and utilization is crucial for research in community.

A.   Participatory Approach in Analysis

Participatory research is always collective in nature; the process requires groups of people to engage together. The most important step in this context is collective analysis of a given situation. This is a significant distinction from classical social science research, which is typically an individual effort. Participatory research is a collective enterprise and this is reflected in its different steps.

 B.   Participatory Approach in Dissemination

Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may be used to lead change. The primary goal is to share the knowledge/analysis that the research has generated with others. The particular audience to which the information is directed determines the dissemination method. There is a need to communicate findings in a way that is credible and clear for particular audiences. It is also helpful to think about dissemination in three broadly different ways, viz., dissemination for awareness, for understanding, and for action.

C.   Participatory Approach in Utilization of Knowledge

Participatory research is about social transformation and change. Social transformation requires a number of interventions viz., organizing, mobilizing struggle and knowledge. Participatory research recognizes popular knowledge; and facilitates people’s control over the processes of inquiry, education and action. Building on this premise the case studies in this Section highlight the use of PR approach in the process of enquiry (analysis) and dissemination of information in collective action for social change.



Picture of Rahul Kanti Barua
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Rahul Kanti Barua - Sunday, 12 October 2014, 11:13 PM

Q1: What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

People are the power of knowledge generation, ownership of that knowledge and its utilization in their life change. Participatory research (PR) approach ensure peoples participation, where they can able to analysis their own situation, take preparation and action accordingly. The participatory research is basically an exercise in stimulating the people to: collect information, reflect and analyses it, use the results as a knowledge base for life improvement, and whenever possible, to document the results for wider dissemination.

The following are the major characteristics of the PR approaches;

  • Refine Understanding of Information: Clear understanding by discussing initial information with project stakeholders, thus more refine insight information emerge
  • Limit biasness: Information is crosschecked through discussion and the stakeholders can be able to point out issues clearly
  • Reaching conclusion from sharing information: Agreement Build a clear picture of a situation/event/process and reach consensus by discussing data. Thus contradictions and gaps are identified, understood and filled
  • Ownership of information: Strengthen the ownership of the conclusions where joint analysis motivates stakeholders to invest more in making changes happen (IFAD, 2000)


Q2: Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

It is always critical for participatory approach to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research for anyone’s work in the community.  The following points are recognizes that critical in my work using PR approaches:

Participatory approaches in analysis:  

We know the choice analysis methods depends on the objective and focus of research. Researcher seek for authentic information by observation. Therefore the methods of analysis are, therefore, context sensitive. For analysis of participatory approach multiple methods and data sources increases the probability of an in-depth understanding that increasing the validity of the analysis to capture the diversity of views from different stakeholders. In PR the analysis must be informed by the voices of the participants themselves.

Right sample selection is always critical in my work in the community for analysis in the participatory approaches to research, which definitely may hamper the validity and reliability of the collected data. It may also critical for selecting to use the methodologies that help to analysis the findings and applies triangulation in the analysis. In some case it may difficult to ensure all of the stakeholder participation to analysis the data. Moreover interpret the analysis findings with participants and stakeholders may also critical in my work. It may also critical to answer the five evaluation questions like what, why, so what, now what and then what.

Participatory approaches in Dissemination:

Dissemination and sharing information is an essential part of the PR process. All relevant stakeholders must be informed about the community based programmes and any meeting and gathering that are to be held. Information dissemination is important to ensure feedback to and from stakeholder. Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may be used to lead change. The primary goal is to share the knowledge that the research has generated with others.

For time constrain it is sometime very critical to disseminate and sharing the information to the stakeholders.  For example negative information we sometime ignore to share and participation with the stakeholders. For multi stakeholder dialogue it is very critical to bring powerless to powerful in face to face interaction in same platform.    


 Participatory approaches to utilization:  

Participatory research approaches is the process of enquiry, dissemination of information in collective action for social changes i.e. utilization of knowledge. Therefore PR is about social transformation and change.

In my work with the community it is very critical for stakeholder i.e. communities are bot capable to utilization of knowledge in a participatory process to make the school sustainable in their villages. For example very few of SHIKHON school are converted in the Government Primary schools (GPS) where it was possible only utilization of knowledge of the participatory approaches.   








Picture of Purvi Dass
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Purvi Dass - Monday, 13 October 2014, 5:45 PM

Great going!!!! Some with examples for clarity!!!! All the best,


Picture of Abdul Gaffer Mondal
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5!
by Abdul Gaffer Mondal - Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 12:43 PM

1. What were/are the major characteristics of that approach?

In “Participatory Research”, participation is the key of vehicle that drive by the community. A community comprised on different types of people including key infected and affected people, local elites, social leaders, followers etc. irrespective of socio-economic, political and cultural background. On the other hand, different types of service providers, GoB bodies, political and ethnical perspective are also factor for participatory research issue especially in participation.

However, the following characteristics could be considered in Participatory Research approach although there are other factors which should be considered like what PR method, we supposed to be facilitated, community dynamics, facilitator’s expertise, environment/context etc.

- People centered approach: This is the heart of the PR approach as they are the people (community and relevant stakeholders) to whom information will be generated, validated, analyzed, interpreted, recommended and decision making process.

- Community ownership with the PR process: This is one of the vital characteristics of Participatory research approach as community is the most important source of information, therefore their ownership has to be ensured of PR process. It has to be realized to the community that this Participatory Research is not only meet the purpose of the researcher (development Organization/academician or any other researcher) but also explain what their benefit.

- Creating enabling environment and rapport build up: Creation of enabling environment and rapport building is the pre-requisite ingredient of any PR approach. Until or unless successfully done this, collected information may not be authentic as information authenticity is crucial elements of PR.

- Scope of triangulation of data/information: It is one of the major characteristics of PR approach to make sure data/information triangulation by the different methods of participatory research. - Knowledge management and reflection: Participator Research approach should give knowledge management and reflection pathway in-between and among research participants, community people, stakeholder and service providers including researcher.

- Flexibility and adaptability: There should be appropriate flexibility and adaptability in PR approach as people’s knowledge, skills and attitude are different from individual to individual.

- Facilitator’s expertise: This is one of the characteristics of PR approach as Facilitator is the initiator and or standing in the central point to collect authentic data/information, validating, analyzing, and interpreting to achieve the goal and objectives of the PR.

2. Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

Participatory Approach in Analysis: Data itself does not mean anything unless it appropriately analysis, interpret, disseminate and above all utilize. Therefore data analysis is the important part of Participatory Research. Data analysis mostly depends on characteristics of data, objective of data collection, focus of the researcher as well. In data analysis, participatory approach is vital as the source of data comes from the community people, stakeholders and other respondents of PR methods which supposed to be used in a PR. They knows what point of view and or what experience and practice based results i.e. data they are providing. They knows the background of their provided data/information. If we do not ensure their participation in data analysis the real meaning could be differ.

Participatory Approach in Dissemination: Dissemination is an important part of PR process. Dissemination is the vehicle which leads to make in action by the different users including researcher, community, decision makers, policy makers and so on. The primary goal of dissemination is to share the knowledge, analysis and findings that the research generated among different stakeholders including community. But it should be considered in PR approach- how and what process/methods are using to disseminate to whom ? If it is with community, we should consider easy, understandable and user-friendly process/methods considering on community knowledge, practice and experience. If it is with policy makers, we should think in their perspective i.e. what are the thirsty areas that a policy makers usually wants to know from our Participatory Research. Therefore audience of dissemination is key factor that depends on sharing process and methods, materials and communication means. In addition, purpose of dissemination has to be considered In PR approach. In PR approach, whatever and whichever communication channel, methods, approaches supposed to be used for dissemination, we should be ensured participation in all level especially community.

Participatory Approach in Utilization of Knowledge: Participatory research approaches is the process of enquiry, dissemination and utilization of information in collective action for change in individual, community and as a whole in society level. Participatory research is about social transformation and change. Social transformation requires a number of interventions viz., organizing, mobilizing struggle and knowledge. Participatory research recognizes popular knowledge; and facilitates people’s control over the processes of inquiry, education and action.

Picture of Masudur Rahman
Re: Reflection question for Unit 5! (answering with the believe of late better than never))
by Masudur Rahman - Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 11:49 PM

What were/ are the major characteristics of that approaches?

Actually I don’t have prior direct experience on PR earlier, I learned mostly from the hands on experience at New Delhi. The major characteristics of that approaches to me are given below:

 Interest comes from the community people, Community people identify their problem and diagnosis for solutions

 Participation is the heart of the approaches

 Community people control the knowledge, not the researcher

 In this process the researcher need not worry about the sustainability of the study, as the problem as well as solution comes from the community so automatically the study findings sustaining in the community

 Interaction, trust building and facilitation skill is very important to community people otherwise the authentic information collection (which is the heart of the approach) could not be possible, different methods used for triangulation of research

 Social mapping (with active participation from community) and Observation are the key method to understand peoples interest

 Action (automatically changing/questioned about the human behavior) is inbuilt of the PR approach

 Knowledge generate through PR is flexible, not rigid, changeable depends on the homogeneity of community

Why are participatory approaches to analysis, dissemination and utilization to research so critical to your work in the community?

 Analysis should be collective and participatory process following the determination of purpose and the collection of information.

 Analysis must-who is doing/funding the study and why? The time is also very critical point of analysis

 Need to analysis the political economy of the study issue as well as the historical dimension/trend of the issue

 Properly triangulation is important to analysis of the information by PR

 Dissemination (findings, lesson learnt, recommendations) should following a way that useful for all types of people of a society and the findings must finalized with the direct involvement of peoples as well as validate by the people. Its better have a way of dissemination for illiterate people. Better also have a stakeholder table who will be benefited with which dissemination process

 Utilizing the research result is most important things in PR. A specific action plan formulate to engage the people in every stage of research to utilize the research benefit from the beginning, not only from the end of the research. The most critical part of PR to me is – proactive participation by people, as most of our people always demanding for livelihood support whatever issue I am going to work with them. Another important issue is – people’s preset mind that the so called NGO people come for new issues as for their job not for the interest of their community. Data validation is also critical.